Estou apenas a cometer este acto de pura insanidade mental depois de ter recebido um link que o meu amigo Glenn me mandou. Caso não saibam, no próximo dia 5 de Agosto está previsto eu aterrar na cidade de Shanghai e acho simpático o Glenn ter-me mandado este artigo relacionado com aquela bonita cultura.
Se dúvidas existissem, depois de tomarem conhecimento do que ele me mandou, podem ter a certeza que essas dúvidas viram certezas: nesta casa, ninguém funciona com o baralho todo.
O artigo, tirado do site da BBC tem o seguinte título: “Beijing’s penis emporium”. Assim que abri o link vi logo que coisa boa não podia vir dali, mas de algum modo não me surpreendeu o conteúdo, vindo de quem vinha.
Perdoem-me as pessoas que vão ler este artigo e que não saibam inglês o suficiente para perceberem o conteúdo do mesmo mas, para vocês, digo simplesmente o seguinte: sortudos.
Vou passar a copiar o artigo, publicado a 23 de Setembro de 2006 no site da BBC news. Mentes mais susceptíveis queiram ir ver o canal Panda enquanto eu não escrevo mais nada, isto claro se não tiverem nada mais interessante para fazer.
“There are many thousands of Chinese restaurants around in the UK and everyone has their favourite dish, but only in China itself do chefs specialise in a range of slightly more unusual delicacies.
The dish in front of me is grey and shiny.
"Russian dog," says my waitress Nancy.
"Big dog," I reply.
"Yes," she says. "Big dog's penis..."
We are in a cosy restaurant in a dark street in Beijing but my appetite seems to have gone for a stroll outside.
Nancy has brought out a whole selection of delicacies.
They are draped awkwardly across a huge platter, with a crocodile carved out of a carrot as the centrepiece.
Nestling beside the dog's penis are its clammy testicles, and beside that a giant salami-shaped object.
"Donkey," says Nancy. "Good for the skin..."
She guides me round the penis platter.
"Snake. Very potent. They have two penises each." (ai se o Glenn sabe...)
I did not know that. (nem eu...)
Deer-blood cocktail
"Sheep... horse... ox... seal - excellent for the circulation."
She points to three dark, shrivelled lumps which look like liquorice allsorts - a special treat apparently - reindeer, from Manchuria.
The Guolizhuang restaurant claims to be China's only speciality penis emporium, and no, it is not a joke.
The atmosphere is more exotic spa than boozy night-out.
Nancy describes herself as a nutritionist.
"We don't call them waiters here. And we don't serve much alcohol," she says. "Only common people come here to get drunk and laugh."
But she does offer me a deer-blood and vodka cocktail, which I decide to skip.
Medicinal purposes
The chinese believe that eating penis can enhance your virility
The restaurant's gristly menu was dreamt up by a man called Mr Guo.
He is 81 now and retired.
After fleeing China's civil war back in 1949, he moved to Taiwan, and then to Atlanta, Georgia, where he began to look deeper into traditional Chinese medicine, and experiment on the appendages of man's best friend.
Apparently, they are low in cholesterol and good, not just for boosting the male sex drive, but for treating all sorts of ailments.
Laughter trickles through the walls of our dining room.
"Government officials," says Nancy. "Two of them upstairs. They're having the penis hotpot."
Most of the restaurant's guests are either wealthy businessmen or government bureaucrats who, as Nancy puts it, have been brought here by people who want their help.
What better way to secure a contract than over a steaming penis fondue. (Ainda bem que não trabalho num departamento de vendas)
Discretion is assured as all the tables are in private rooms.
The glitziest one has gold dishes.
"Some like their food served raw," says Nancy, "like sushi. But we can cook it anyway you like." (Digam-me que não li isto!!!!)
Rare order
"Not long ago, a particularly rich real estate mogul came in with four friends. All men. Women don't come here so often, and they shouldn't eat testicles," says Nancy solemnly.
The men spent $5,700 (£3,000) on a particularly rare dish, something that needed to be ordered months in advance.
"Tiger penis," says Nancy.
The illegal trade in tiger parts is a big problem in China.
Campaigners say the species is being driven towards extinction because of its popularity as a source of traditional medicine.
I mention this, delicately, to Nancy, but she insists that all her tiger supplies come from animals that have died of old age.
"Anyway, we only have one or two orders a year," she says.
"So what does it taste like?" I ask.
"Oh, the same as all the others," she says blithely.
And does it have any particular potency? "No. People just like to order tiger to show off how much money they have."
Welcome to the People's Republic of China - tigers beware.
Sliced and pickled
"Oh yes," she adds, "the same group also ate an aborted reindeer foetus.
"That is very good for your skin. And here it is..."
Another "nutritionist" walks in bearing something small and red wrapped in cling film.
My appetite is heading for the airport.
Still, I think, it would be rude not to try something.
I am normally OK about this sort of thing. I have had fried cockroaches and sheep's eyes, so...
There is a small bowl of sliced and pickled ox penis on the table.
I pick up a piece with my chopsticks and start to chew. It is cold and bland and rubbery.
Nancy gives me a matronly smile.
"This one," she says, "should be eaten every day."
From Our Own Correspondent was broadcast on Saturday, 23 September, 2006 at 1130 BST on BBC Radio 4.”
Pois bem, que posso eu dizer depois disto? Deixo para vocês qualquer comentário a este artigo pelo que tenham a liberdade de o fazer.
Acho apenas curioso, ou talvez não, que com tanta coisa para falar sobre a cultura Chinesa aquele gajo se tenha lembrado de me mandar um artigo a dizer que os chineses comem pénis de animais porque acham que isso aumenta a virilidade deles, entre outras coisas menos palpáveis. Este gajo deve-se achar muito viril. Pffff!!!
Ele há cada um...
So se poderá sentir viril, segundo a tradição chinesa se andar a paparicar muito penis, e tendo em conta que tu é que vives com ele, nem quero imaginar o que ele põe na tua bebida à hora do jantar para te adormecer ..... hihihihi
Martim VFG
Não comento o resto mas diz-me uma coisa: estás com soluços? "hihihihi"??? Que é esta paneleirice no meu blog? Isto é um blog sério!!!
Vê mas é se vens cá porque o Glenn não pára de falar de ti. Quer brindar contigo!!!
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